Medallion Award

The Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons Medallion Awards are given in recognition of significant service by a physician or a layperson contributing to the growth, improvement or public or professional recognition of osteopathy in one of the five categories below. All physician candidates must be members of MAOPS.

Medallion Categories:
  1. Auxiliary Medallion: Presented for dedicated service rendered by a member of the Auxiliary to MAOPS.
  2. Osteopathic College Medallion: Presented for dedicated service to a Missouri osteopathic college, including administrative, teaching or research-related activities.
  3. Hospital Medallion: Presented to a hospital for promotion of osteopathic principles.
  4. Professional Medallion: Presented for dedicated service to MAOPS or a MAOPS Osteopathic District Association, and/or organized osteopathic affiliates
  5. Public Medallion: Presented for actions conducted by publicly recognized individuals who promote public acceptance and understanding of osteopathic medicine.

A 2024 MAOPS Professional Medallion Award was received by Brian Bowles.

Brian has served as MAOPS Executive Director since 2009. During that time, MAOPS has remained strong and is looked to by legislators, the Missouri State Medical Association, the Board of Healing Arts, Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, and other healthcare-related companies and organizations for opinion and impact. Brian has served diligently as a member of the Association of Osteopathic State Executive Directors, including having served as its president.

Brian’s opinion is routinely sought after on issues. Brian has led MAOPS to be fiscally responsible and financially stable. He is not averse to asking hard questions and calling out issues and situations that threaten MAOPS and the osteopathic profession.

Brian is not only a responsible Executive Director, he is a strong advocate for osteopathic medicine. MAOPS is very fortunate to have Brian.

The 2024 MAOPS Auxiliary Medallion Award recipient is Chris Yasso.

A past recipient of this award in 2009, Chris is a staunch supporter of the osteopathic profession and has once again consistently shown her love and devotion to the osteopathic profession.

Chris has served as president of AMAOPS and in many other AMAOPS executive leadership roles for close to 50 years. Chris has represented Missouri at nearly all Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association meetings. She has served as the AMAOPS Convention Chair for the past 10 years and has helped update AMAOPS bylaws.

Chris is dependable and will always help MAOPS in any way she can. We owe her a big thank you for all of her hard work!

The 2024 MAOPS Osteopathic College Medallion Award recipient is Lloyd Cleaver, DO, FAOCD.

Dr. Cleaver has been an outstanding osteopathic medical educator for nearly 40 years, teaching dermatology in the undergraduate medical education program at ATSU-KCOM. He founded the dermatology residency program in Kirksville in 1991. Dr. Cleaver is a dedicated professor, clinician, and leader in osteopathic medicine, as well as a loyal MAOPS member. Generations of students, residents, and patients are grateful to Dr. Cleaver.

The 2024 MAOPS Public Medallion Award recipient was Debbie Darr.

Debbie is the Graduate Medical Education Secretary and Coordinator of Residency Programs and visiting medical student rotations at ATSU-KCOM. She has been working for Northeast Regional Medical Center for over 40 years. Debbie has been a longtime supporter of the osteopathic profession and MAOPS in particular. She welcomes MAOPS annually into the hospital to speak with residents and students about the value of being a MAOPS member. MAOPS is lucky to have Debbie as a supporter and advocate.

A 2024 MAOPS Professional Medallion Award was received by John Bailey, DO.

Dr. Bailey is an independently practicing orthopedic surgeon in Kirksville. Being a surgeon is demanding and requires a great deal of dedication and sacrifice, especially as an independent practitioner. Despite this commitment, along with the commitment of being a single father, Dr. Bailey has managed to tirelessly serve MAOPS on multiple committees, including the Board of Trustees, as a delegate to the AOA House of Delegates, and as MAOPS President in 2017-18. Dr. Bailey was also recognized as MAOPS Physician of the Year in 2015.

Dr. Bailey is a decorated member and retired major of the United States Army Reserve, where he served as an orthopedic surgeon.

Historical List of Medallion Award Winners:

  • 2024 – Professional: Brian Bowles; John Bailey, DO Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Chris Yasso Public: Debbie Darr Osteopathic College: Lloyd Cleaver, DO, FAOCD
  • 2023 – Professional: Chris Paynter, DO, FACOFP Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Joyce Spezia
  • 2022 – Osteopathic College: Josh Cox, DO, FACOFP Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Karen Balcer and Sandra Novinger
  • 2021 – Professional: Michael Brown, DO Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Melissa Jennings
  • 2020 – Professional: Gautam Desai, DO; Shephali Wulff, DO; James Stoneking, DO; Capital Region Center for Mental Wellness Osteopathic Medical School: Kent Campbell, DO Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Julie Williams
  • 2019 – Professional: David Bean, DO; Richard Still, DO; Richard Wetzel, DO; MAOPS Central Office Team Public: James DiRenna, DO
  • 2018 – Osteopathic Medical School: Marc Hahn, DO, FACOA; Craig Phelps, DO Professional: Robert Schwarze, DO, FAOCD
  • 2017 – Osteopathic Medical School: Robert Stephens, PhD; Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Cheryl Johnston; Professional: Mark Pelikan, DO; Professional: Chris Bowles, MAOPS Associate Executive Director
  • 2016 – Osteopathic Medical School: Margaret Wilson, DO, Dean of ATSU-KCOM; Auxiliary to MAOPS (AMAOPS): Glenda Accardo, AMAOPS Past President; Public: Mineral Area Osteopathic Foundation; Professional: Victoria Damba, DO; Professional: Lee Parks, DO & Jeffrey Dryden, DO, FACOI, CPE
  • 2015 – Michael Knapp, DO, and Marianne Klemm, DO
  • 2014 – Marilyn DeGeus; Des Peres Hospital; DOCARE International; Douglas Rushing, Ph.D.
  • 2013 – Peggy Taylor, DO; Tina Steinman, former BoHA Exec. Director; Richard Ogden, DO, FAAFP, FACOFP; Anthony D’Angelo, DO, FOCOO
  • 2012 – John Dougherty, DO; Jason Haxton; Lori Haxton; Elaine Joslyn, DO; Lee Parks, DO;  Physicians Professional Indemnity Association
  • 2011 – Megan McBride, DO; Ken Jones, DO; David Joslyn
  • 2010 – Darin L. Haug, DO; Julie Lentz
  • 2009 – Don L. McCandless, Ph.D.; Chris Yasso
  • 2008 – Philip L. Accardo, DO; Robert C. Scanlon, DO
  • 2007 – Wilbur T. Hill, DO; Larry D. Kruse; Larry R. Ricci, DO
  • 2006 – Marilyn Nicka, Ph.D., R.N.; Delpha Slaughter; Bruce R. Williams, DO;
    Gordon C. Knight, DO; E.L. Slaughter, DO
  • 2005 – Bruce B. Peters, DO; Joseph M. Yasso, Jr., DO; John W. Philips, DO
  • 2004 – G. Michael Johnston, DO
  • 2003 – David C. Dyck, DO
  • 2002 – Anthony Minassale, DO; Carol E. Kirila, DO; Joe Maxwell
  • 2001 – Kevin D. Treffer, DO; Gene P. Barbour, DO; Andrew Y. Chao, DO
  • 2000 – Ruth Tucker; Frank R. Mohs, M.D.; Floyd E. Dunn, DO; Foy F. Priest, DO; Fred A. Couts, DO; James E. Zini, DO
  • 1999 – Ann Carter; Lauritz A. Jensen, D.A.; Jerry Paul; Vera Kramer
  • 1998 – Mauretta Scheurer; Roxane Hubbard; Dan Jaco; Jack D. Bragg, DO
  • 1997 – Connie Boyd; Howard W. Osborn, DO; Howard M. Levine, DO
  • 1996 – Joyce Spezia
  • 1995 – David A. Gardner, DO; Michael L. Kuchera, DO; Ernest L. Sjoblom, R.Ph.; Janet M. Bunch; Stephen M. Payson; Kenneth C. West; Glenda Accardo
  • 1994 – William G. Anderson, DO; Jack Auxter, DO; Clifford Graham; John P. Perrin, J.D.;
    James L. Wiebert, M.Ed.
  • 1993 – Laurence E. Bouchard, DO; Mary L. Butterworth, DO; Governor Mel Carnahan;  Cynthia Hix; Robert G. Ricci, DO; John A. Stronsnider, DO; William C. Sunderwirth, DO
  • 1992 – Edward A. Loniewski, DO; Elaine M. Wallace, DO; Merritt R. Fricke, DO; Doug Terry
  • 1991 – Gilbert S. Bucholz, DO; Senator Emory Melton
  • 1990 – Harlen C. Hunter, DO; Robert E. Madsen, DO; Mitchell Kasovac, DO
  • 1989  Robert E. Arnold, DO; James A. Barber; C. Preston Chester, DO; Marcelino Oliva, DO; Derell Taloney; William H. Voss, DO; Joseph M. Yasso, Sr., DO
  • 1988 – Lee E. Davidson, DO; Wallace M. Pearson, DO; Marlene Wager, DO; James E. Williams, DO; JoAnn Hunter; William Unsell
  • 1987 – Mohammad N. Akhter, M.D.; P. Pierre Dominique, J.D.;
    James R. Stookey, DO
  • 1986 – James P. Cox, DO; Mary Jane Denslow; Howard E. Gross, DO; Eugene L. Sikorski, DO; Bert SerVaas; Sue Stees; Joseph W. Stella, DO; Harry S. Still, DO; Patricia Molnar; Normandy Osteopathic Hospital
  • 1985 – John H. Burnett, DO; Myral C. Coatney, DO; Harold E. George, DO; Larry D. McIntire, DO; Ron W. Lewis; Raymond M. Stevens
  • 1984 – Roberta Beaudoin; Reba Hubbard; Helen Gardner; F.M. Walter; Arthur L. Mallory; John P. Perrin
  • 1983 – Mary Lou Butterworth, DO; Marvine E. Meck, DO; George H. Scheurer, DO; Keith Adams; Warren R. Betts; Roberta Henson; Joseph Reichart
  • 1982 – A. Archie Feinstein, DO; Max T. Gutensohn, DO; Ronald W. Hubbard, DO; Gerald J. Roderick, DO; British School of Osteopathy; Edward H. Borman
  • 1981 – Robert E. Henson, DO; Stanley N. Wilson, DO; Governor Christopher Bond; Melaney Chester