The new MAOPS website and database is hosted by CE21, which is the same entity that hosts our learning management system, CMEPRN. This means our website, database, and learning management system are all tied together! And for you, this means simplicity!

Simplicity Example #1: Logging in is a breeze! If you have purchased a CME program from CMEPRN in the past, use the same email address and password to log in and see your profile, purchase CME programs, pay membership dues, etc. 

If you have not purchased a CME program from CMEPRN, no worries! Just use your email address and then click the Sign Up link.

Okay…you want to throw us a curve…but your curveball won’t make us flinch! Let’s say you used CMEPRN in the past but can’t remember your password. No worries! Or maybe you log in, log out, and come back to the site and cannot remember your new password. No worries! Simply input your email address, select the NEXT button, and then…we want to introduce you to the magic link

Simply click on Send Email Login Link. An email will be immediately generated to the email address you used, and you will click the link in that email and – SHAZAM! – you are logged in. Do you want to know what is even better? You can use that magic link every day or every hour from here forward – it will just continue to log you in, and you NEVER have to remember your password again. That’s what we call simplicity!

Go ahead – go to and log in right now!